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Stevie-O: there have been, like, 3 or 4 potion shops in this game
BenUrban: wow
Dentarthurdent_: Party at Stevie-O's dungeon! Where's the chicks?
***BenUrban forgets which ones are chicks
Dentarthurdent_: n
BenUrban: lol
Dentarthurdent_: they're such teases though
Dentarthurdent_: i'm a & fan
BenUrban: yeah & kicks ass
BenUrban: especially while you're wielding excalibur or the staff
Dentarthurdent_: fun time, but when they dump you they sure dump you hard
BenUrban: Dentarthurdent_: not if you are wielding excalibur or the staff
Dentarthurdent_: yeah, & like it when you have a big sword/staff :P

You will need to answer the following question correctly: What symbol represents a potion?

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