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<@Adeon> what's your credit score
<@Adeon> if you buy $12 thai food for 12 months with credit card and pay it back each month then I will consider you financially responsible enough to buy a house on mortgage
<@Adeon> this is american logic
< Elronnd> Don't insult my people :{
<@Adeon> your people vote for donald trump
< Elronnd> Not all them!
< Elronnd> Don't judge us just because half of us deserve to be killed!?!!
-!- You're now known as realdonaldtrump
< realdonaldtrump> lol everyone deserves to be killed and blax sux and muslims sux
<@Adeon> so how is that border wall with mexico coming along
< realdonaldtrump> and we need to build a wall around each and every person because they don't want to have to see the other people that also sux
< realdonaldtrump> the border wall is to keep out people like you that sux
<@Adeon> too late
<@Adeon> I already got in
< realdonaldtrump> hence walls around each person
< realdonaldtrump> we'll probably also build a wall to keep out the sun cause it sux
< realdonaldtrump> Also i sux

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