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<ChrisANG> Re: callandor: there was supposed to be a second Wheel of Time artifact. Vora's sa'angreal seems like the obvious candidate, but I haven't actually read that book series beyond the first book.
<riker> yeah I just never got around to coming up with a good and more importantly original stat set for the second one that fit anything
<riker> but also I think it's probably a good idea to drop initgend, since it's both annoying and insensitive
<lapis> If you wanted to keep them in you might be able to rig it up so that wielding one of those two prevents you from wielding the other
<riker> that's a good idea lapis
<riker> another idea I've jokingly considered in the past is having a callandor assigned gender (shuffling which gender it / the paired arti works with each game lol)
<riker> ACSAB (assigned crystal sword at birth)

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