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<Snipufin> so I polymorphed a crossaligned priest, am I allowed to attack him now?
<ChrisS67> Snipufin- well, you won't get murder penalties now, if that's what you mean
<ChrisS67> whether it's a good idea...that depends on what he polyed into...
<Snipufin> well, I'm chaotic anyways
<Snipufin> he's a straw golem atm
<PsyMar> well he's angry from the poly anyways
<intx15> You'll still get struck by lightening
<Snipufin> how about if I convert the altar before attacking him?
<GreyKnight> Snipufin, hm, so you're in an argument with a straw man, eh?

You will need to answer the following question correctly: What symbol represents a wand?

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