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<Ciel> !lg * killer=*choked*grid_bug*
<Rodney> Ciel: points,name: 1) 0,Catachan
<RedFeather> !lg Catachan death=*called* g=death
<Rodney> RedFeather: death,count(*): 1) killed by a water demon called FUCK EVERYTHING,1; 2) killed by a newt called Gingrich,1; 3) killed by a water elemental called _(,1; 4) killed by an ice devil called IT KEEPS HAPPENING,1; 5) killed by a water demon called I think God hates me,1; 6) killed by a water moccasin called FUCK EVERYTHING,1; 7) killed by a human mummy called shabadoo99,1
<Ciel> ...
<Ciel> catachan was a very angry player

You will need to answer the following question correctly: What symbol represents a scroll?

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