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-!- Guest92585 (Mango IRC) [~anonymous@] has joined #NetHack
< Guest92585> Hack, Crack , Phreack all Systems around the World (*_*) The second BigBangII on Planet Earth ( < > __ < > ) I'm the Devil of Hack
< bcode> NetHack?
< Rodney> NetHack is a game. Read the join message, ferchrissake.
< bcode> Guest92585: this is a channel about a computer game; I think you might be wrong here
< Guest92585> Computer Game is the same bcode
< bcode> Guest92585: you seem to be talking about breaking into computer systems, which is definitely not what this channel is about.
< Guest92585> ( < > __ < > ) bcode i see and listening and watching you, now (*_*) pls upgrade your security system
< ishanyx> hahaha
-!- mode/#NetHack [+o bcode] by ChanServ
-!- Guest92585 was kicked from #NetHack by bcode [upgraded channel security system!]

You will need to answer the following question correctly: What symbol represents a piece of armor?

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