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#4072 (27) X December 24, 2022
<Moult[m]> Something is engraved here on the headstone.
<Moult[m]> You read: "Do not open until Christmas".
<Moult[m]> so if i dig the grave tomorrow what do i get
#4071 (24) X December 24, 2022
<qt> splicehack is no longer being developed?
<antigulp> I'm taking a break from it, at the very least. I'm very burnt out on splice, especially because there's so much technical debt due to me throwing good coding practice and C coding style to the wind.
<antigulp> Plus, I'm building my own curses-based RL from scratch, and that's captured my imagination pretty hard.
<aosdict> darn, where am I going to send my ideas for monsters/objects/artifacts that are too out there for xnh or evilhack
<aosdict> please implement red lights whose explosion paralyzes you, and green lights whose explosion gives you a speed boost plzkthnx
<paxed> shouldn't those be blue lights, not green?
<aosdict> well if you prefer physics over traffic
<hackemslashem> Blue lights give you a major discount at christmas
#4070 (25) X December 24, 2022
<hackemslashem> Which variant has the crumbling altars? grunt?
<antigulp> Splice had them at one point. Everyone complained.
<Shadow_Rider> crumbling?
<qt> they were made of gingerbread
#4069 (35) X December 24, 2022
<dustsquid> You know you've been playing nethack too much when you see a statue in a park and wonder if he had anything good when he was stoned
#4068 (16) X December 21, 2022
<Loggers_VIII> yeah I have to say there's at least a 90% uptick in drawbridge frequency in this game from any of my vanilla games
<Loggers_VIII> thankfully I lucked out and know the knock spell
<K2> knock knock / who's there? / Loggers / Loggers who? / Loggers let me in dammit! <pew pew>
<Loggers_VIII> lol
<K2> :P
#4067 (27) X December 20, 2022
<antigulp> Hitting a monster with a flaming sword = silent
<antigulp> Clumsy kick = wakey wakey chicken bakey
<antigulp> nethack
#4066 (22) X December 20, 2022
<qt> leprechauns should be tamed by throwing a potion of milk at them
<qt> also potions of milk should be added to the game
<qt> you can get them from #rubbing a minotaur
<cbus> sounds like something totally worth it to get a leprechaun pet
<amateurhour> dnh has goats milk but drinking it causes tentacles to erupt from your brain intermittently
<amateurhour> does that count qt?
<qt> when i search for "leprechaun + milk" i just find various green liquids marketed as 'leprechaun milk'. but isn't that part of the folklore, that you're supposed to set our bread and milk on your stoop for them?
<qt> i don't know enough about leprechaun preferences to say yes or no amateurhour
<qt> maybe i'm confusing leprechauns with some other kind of fairy
<amateurhour> I googled it and some sites suggest leprechauns are extremely allergic to dairy
<cbus> so if you give milk to a leprechaun it explodes?
#4065 (22) X December 20, 2022
<hackemslashem> I'm going to be vacuuming a bunch of the stuff you added to my fork if you don't mind :)
<antigulp> Just don't take the code related to monsters riding monsters. That code is evil.
<antigulp> I didn't write that code, I channeled it from a nightmare dimension.
#4064 (28) X December 20, 2022
<Grasshopper> I just woke up
<Grasshopper> time to ascend
<elenmirie> I like to start my day by becoming a demigoddess - it really sets you up for whatever life is going to throw at you
#4063 (33) X December 16, 2022
<Grassy> "You have a little trouble lifting g - a wand of light. Your movements are slowed slightly because of your load."
<Grassy> wand of not-so-light

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