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< joshk> god
< joshk> i'm sdo durnk
< joshk> i shuodl kick some people
< joshk> to fit the sterptype
-!- mode/#NetHack [+o joshk] by ChanServ
-!- Rodney was kicked from #nethack by joshk [joshk]
<@joshk> fuck it doesnt com aback?
<@joshk> ??
<@joshk> shit
<@joshk> rrrr
<@joshk> that means i have t restart it in th emornign
<@joshk> i have th password
<@joshk> grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
<@joshk> oh well
<@joshk> you guys will just have to deal until like
<@joshk> paxed wake upd
<@joshk> he has password too :p
-!- mode/#NetHack [-o joshk] by joshk
< joshk> gnight
< joshk> gonan sleep this off

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