
#1596 (21) X June 22, 2014
<Adeon> the junethack scoring system is obviously broken
<Adeon> the clan I'm in is not winning
#2585 (-16) X December 13, 2018
<Tomsod> I think a stethoscope can check if a pet is eating.
<Muad> doctor, why is my dog not moving at all?? *uses stethoscope* Your dog is eating a dragon.
<ChrisE> Tomsod: You don't need a stethoscope to check that. You can just always assume that it is eating. :P
#2952 (8) X March 20, 2020
<Beholder> [hdf-us] [nh370] antigulp (Wiz Hum Fem Cha) entered the Planes, on T:47846
<AntiGulp> No portal detection, no wishes left, 5 charges left in my magic marker, it's midnight, and I'm wearing sunglasses.
#3328 (-10) X January 24, 2021
<K2> giants cant wear body armor, cloaks or shirts
<K2> there's only one exception
<K2> giant samurai - their starting splint mail is 'large splint mail', and its not anything any other giant role can use
<qt> why can't other giants wear it if they wish for it?
<K2> because I felt giant samurai having that is a bit too OP to begin with, even though its cool as hell
<K2> i'm still on the fence about it
<aosdict> is that the only one in the game, or can you go to like the quest and your giant samurai friends have some spare large splint mails for you
<K2> only one in the game
<K2> a giant samurai could wish for a different set of large splint mail
<K2> also, giant samurai dont have friends
#1854 (5) X January 16, 2016
< math> D - an uncursed ring of free action (on left hand)
< math> You feel like you are being watched. An enormous ghost appears next to you! You are frightened to death, and unable to move.
< moller> free action doesn't solve ghost fright
< math> discount action at best.
< math> certainly not free
#2236 (-3) X December 7, 2017
<ChrisE> "Take off your gloves; they're too clumsy."
<ChrisE> The succubus is correct about that - they are gauntlets of fumbling.
#83 (37) X February 28, 2013
< joshk> e - the blessed partly eaten Hand of Vecna
< joshk> | choked on the |
< joshk> | Hand of Vecna |
#3593 (9) X August 3, 2021
<qt> k2: https://termbin.com/f1dt
<K2> cool
<K2> qt, this isn't a complaint, but just wondering - how come you don't do these as PR's?
<qt> I can totally do them as PRs if you prefer, 'g diff | tb' is just quicker and easier for me than 'g checkout -b fix-blah-blah && g commit --all && g push -u origin fix-blah-blah && gh pr create -f'
<qt> especially for something minor that's one small commit with only a couple lines changed. but I would be happy to do them as PRs! just say the word
<amateurhour> you should do them as PRs just so you can write a nice commit message
<amateurhour> :)
<K2> plus you get the proper credit
<amateurhour> Dearest K2, I write this PR to you today to fix the following problem...
<amateurhour> Yours lovingly, Q3
<K2> aww
<K2> so special
<K2> i'm touched
#995 (-38) X July 10, 2013
< cbus> You see here 305 meatballs.
< mroth> mamma mia
#2154 (-11) X August 25, 2017
<aosdict> I'm an idiot... I've been debugging this for a while trying to figure out why my Pw is resolutely remaining at 11/11 regardless of me casting spells or recovering energy... I've been looking at my HP
#704 (41) X May 22, 2013
< Stevko> I got Ogresmasher from altar as wizard. What to do with it?
< ChrisE> Stevko: Smash ogres?
< ChrisE> (Or possibly mash them, depending on how you parse it.)
< Stevko> No ogres around.
< ChrisE> Eat it?
< Stevko> resmash ogs
#1525 (-35) X April 8, 2014
< ShivanHunter_> plane of Wizards of Yendor
< ShivanHunter_> :7
< bcode> :6
< bcode> :5
< ShivanHunter_> :4
< bcode> :3
< ShivanHunter_> :2
< bcode> :1
< ShivanHunter_> :0
< bcode> :It explodes!
< ShivanHunter_> lol
#2505 (19) X October 3, 2018
<Luxidream> Lord Carnarvon hits the student. The student is killed!
<Luxidream> The nerve of professors on tenure these days
#3224 (1) X November 4, 2020
<kcostell> 4x12 beehive. mmm...royal jelly donuts...
#1290 (22) X July 15, 2013
< Violist> I'm recruiting for Clan team_ant again
< Violist> team_ant gets the babes and gets resistance to ants
#3657 (15) X September 18, 2021
<Ann> whoa
<Ann> [screenshot of long worm with 41 tail segments]
<Ann> that is a Long worm
<Zefnar> 0.0 yes it is
<Todd Rafter> that's a int64 worm
<Todd Rafter> long long worm
#3030 (52) X May 12, 2020
<K2> 2 hours left on the pork!
<K2> been smoking for the last 6
<K2> smells soooooooooo gooood
<Sweet Bodhi> smoking is bad for you
<Sweet Bodhi> for shame k2
<Sweet Bodhi> for shame k2
<musicdemon> smoked pork! *K2's alignment record increases*
<eLtMosen> Being a chef, i send a tender salute :D
<K2> so this is my 4th use of the new smoker. first 2 uses, much success, everything came out great. juicy/smoky mmm
<K2> 3rd go was with brisket and i fucked it up
<K2> too high temp not long enough
<K2> today is 5 lbs of pork shoulder, i'm feeling good about it
<Pinkbeast> I've never smoked pork, it's hard to get it in the rollup
<K2> lol Pinkbeast
<K2> love this smoker... its all electric but its basically set it/forget it
<K2> and the temp is stable
<nabru> I tried to smoke pork but it didn't like being lit on fire
<K2> you have to kill it first
<K2> that helps
#2798 (-16) X October 30, 2019
<K2> aosdict whats the code to force a turn to increment in nethack
<K2> i keep thinking nomul
<aosdict> nomul is weird and I don't fully understand it
<aosdict> by force a turn to increment do you mean paralyze the player for 1 turn
<K2> no
<K2> i mean, <something, action, whatever> happens, force turn counter to increase by one
<aosdict> the game clock just ticks up one with no other effect on the game?
<K2> yeah
<aosdict> you could do monstermoves++ (or whatever variable that is) but I hereby disclaim this as very bug prone and don't come crying to me if things break
<K2> aosdict i dont come crying to you for anything
<K2> ;)
<aosdict> what about that one time with the onions
<K2> we dont talk about that
#200 (-6) X March 1, 2013
* Glarbex remembers the first time he encountered an L.
<Glarbex> I think it was an arch-lich, and my thought was: "Hmm, arch-lichens are much more powerful than normal ones."
#631 (-11) X March 15, 2013
< Wolfechu> I learned something today. An amulet of magical breathing is, indirectly, a great way to get rid of troll corpses.
< Wolfechu> It's not a very heroic scene, and I'll not be too graphic, but put it this way: Whatever comes back up doesn't regenerate ;)
#2856 (13) X January 9, 2020
<AntiGulp> Ooh, orc dropped 3 slices of cake
<aosdict> it was that orc's birthday, and you ruined it by killing him
<aosdict> you monster
<krm26> He went out on a high note
<aosdict> he was going to share it with 2 of his friends
<AntiGulp> I guess the bellowing and stabbing thing he did was part of the party
#2968 (-19) X March 29, 2020
<AntiGulp> Speed boots on level 2 wooooo
<AntiGulp> Ooh, and a T shirt!
<AntiGulp> I now await my untimely death at the hands of my own stupidity.
<slengtorm> AntiGulp (Wiz Hum Fem Neu), 780 points, T:1108, strangled by a T-shirt, while dressing very quickly
#2195 (-9) X October 22, 2017
<LarienTelrunya> there's one line in lev_comp.l that defines the valid glyphs for a .des map, and all I need to do is add the glyphs I want to add and then it'll (probably) work :)
<@Elronnd> good luck!
<LarienTelrunya> thanks!
<GoldenIvy> @Elronnd> good luck << she'll need it ;P
<LarienTelrunya> heh, it should actually be rather easy, but with nethack code you can't really be sure, sometimes it throws error messages when you know everything should work
<GoldenIvy> well youve just described every code on the face of this planet :P
<Elronnd> GoldenIvy: lol...too true :P
#232 (19) X March 1, 2013
< TruePika> After much calculation, I deduce this gray stone to be safe
< TruePika> ...
< Arienna> lol
< TruePika> "You can't. It's cursed"
#234 (-14) X March 1, 2013
<ais523_> who's been messing with how_to_ascend?
<ais523_> !learn info how_to_ascend
<Rodney> how_to_ascend has contributions by: [1]kerio [2]kerio [3]kerio [4]kerio [5]kerio
<stenno1> hehe
<ais523_> well, there was always a /chance/ it wasn't kerio
#3923 (21) X July 17, 2022
<aosdict> grunthack appears to just paralyze you with no chance for free action if you get scared by magicbane
<aosdict> which, ok, fair, it's the same as getting scared by a ghost
<aosdict> but it's not a great fear implementation
<amateurhour> slashem doesn't have fear either, if you zap yourself with wand of fear it just confuses you
<K2> make the game check for sound on the players terminal. if it exists, make it play a .wav file of someone screaming really loud
<K2> that'll scare em
<aosdict> wilhelm scream
<amateurhour> hah
#2457 (-7) X July 22, 2018
<Grasshopper> Vanilla Nethack getting BORING? Doing soko mazes in your sleep and while sitting on the train? Want a CHANGE? Try.... LAGOBAN! Do Sokoban from a server halfway around the planet, and bounce your signal off a server in yet another country while you're doing it!
<Grasshopper> Make sure your wifi router is no closer than 40m from your current position for the full experience
#3132 (3) X August 12, 2020
Beholder: [hdf-us] [nh370] KaiHerd (Mon Hum Fem Cha) eschewed atheism, by dropping a pornographic magazine on an altar, on T:3308
#2620 (33) X January 17, 2019
<Beholder> [nh362] oh6 (Mon Hum Fem Cha) hit with a wielded weapon for the first time, on T:22848
<oh6> what the
<oh6> dammit
<oh6> oh well
<aosdict> three of the five stages of grief right there
#2713 (18) X August 24, 2019
<@Beholder> [hdf-us] [gh] hothraxxa (Wiz Hum Mal Cha) wished for "blessed historic thoroughly fixed +5 dragonhide water walking boots of speed named footwear by fast jesus", on T:31073
<riker> they don't call it the ascension "run" for nothing
#2944 (-4) X March 17, 2020
<oh6> one time (in some variant) I managed flipped 2a by imagining the whole thing turned upside down, and at one point I started wondering how I'd acquired two tame rock piercers
#3781 (23) X January 15, 2022
<Croesus> [US] shadowrider38 (Bar Orc Fem Cha) wished for "marker", on T:29086
<Croesus> [US] shadowrider38 (Bar Orc Fem Cha) wished for "marker", on T:29086
<Croesus> [US] shadowrider38 (Bar Orc Fem Cha) wished for "marker", on T:29087
<Croesus> [US] shadowrider38 (Bar Orc Fem Cha) wished for "marker", on T:29088
<Croesus> [US] shadowrider38 (Bar Orc Fem Cha) wished for "marker", on T:29089
<Croesus> [US] shadowrider38 (Bar Orc Fem Cha) wished for "marker", on T:29090
<Croesus> [US] shadowrider38 (Bar Orc Fem Cha) wished for "marker", on T:29384
<riker> shadow what in the world are you using all those markers for
<amateurhour> art project
<Shadow_Rider> feeling artsy
<mobileuser> studying to become a picture-painting demon
#708 (69) X May 23, 2013
< MPR> if you genocide kittens
< MPR> you are literally the worst person
< MPR> period.
< deepy> dot.
< bcode> comma,
< deepy> hypen-
< bcode> colon:
< deepy> questionmark?
< ishanyx> interrobang‽
< bcode> ampersand&
< deepy> exclamationmark!
< bcode> semicolon;
< deepy> Inverted question¿
< bcode> ellipsis…
< Adeon> the letter s
< deepy> tilde~
< bcode> quotation mark"
< deepy> pipe|
< negion> Are you guys in the process of having some sort of protracted mutual mental breakdown?
< deepy> negion: to a certain degree°
< negion> Ah. Well, so long as you're aware... carry on.
< deepy> Well it did start to get a little tedious, maybe we should have brought it to a full stop.
< deepy> If you know what I'm getting at@
< negion> Ha. Ha Ha. Suddenly, a wild pun appears!
< bcode> For puns, this channel has no more space
< deepy> Even though you managed to make a quick dash-
< negion> Talking like Yoda, you are
< Adeon> maybe they'll stop if you give them money$
< bcode> negion: Which again the nature of this conversation underscores_
< deepy> I wonder how many percent%
< deepy> I'm hoping I won't be the first to bite the bullet°
< bcode> At this rate, soon we're going to see as quit message - Error: Broken pipe¦
< deepy> For reference※
< deepy> Should we call it a tie⁀
< Adeon> did you stop because you became nonplussed¬+
< deepy> I've run out of words, when it comes to concerns, it's my prime′
< bcode> I would continue, though I guess you wouldn't like my accent´
< deepy> Are we treading into the horrible section§
* ishanyx glares menacingly and wields a dagger†
< Adeon> ishanyx, shut up↑
< negion> why is ishanyx being told to shut up?
< deepy> Just a while ago it was silent as the grave`
< bcode> negion: Perhaps her character wasn't of the nicest division÷
< deepy> bcode: that line is a very nice addition+
< negion> Without the benefit of unicode, this conversation is very confusing and just leaves questions about why people are using so many question marks.
< Adeon> I only wanted to use the up arrow
< negion> ah, yeah... no unicode again. On my screen it came across as an impolite suggestion that she shut up :)
< bcode> negion: Clearly, your confusion so far had no equal=
< deepy> It sounded quite meanx
< deepy> oh darn you terminal, screwing up my math jokes
< deepy> Maybe I should draw a parellel||
< Cypi> Oh...never play while tired... Can (again) someone tell me if my Soko is screwed or if I can do it without a penalty?
< bcode> Cypi: do you have a method of teleportation? I am not sure about how solvable it still is
< Cypi> No :/
< Cypi> Oh, well, I guess it wille -1 luck, not a real problem.
< Cypi> s/wille/will be
< bcode> Hm. I guess solutions to that, if possible, would require thinking out of the box☐
< deepy> bcode, you are a star✧
< bcode> deepy: I wonder how you know - obscuring the view are many clouds☁
< deepy> In this matter, I have no scruples℈℈
#502 (-16) X March 6, 2013
< tsuteiuQ> farming brown puddings?
< greycat> they're in season, apparently
#2732 (5) X September 11, 2019
<Rodney> AlphaQ (Rog Hum Mal Cha), 2513 points, T:1328, killed by an arrow
<AlphaQ> The dungeon needs stricter bow control laws
#945 (-27) X July 10, 2013
< Rodney> Arkane (Wiz Elf Mal Cha), 0 points, killed by a system shock
< Rodney> Arkane (Wiz Elf Mal Cha), 0 points, killed by a system shock
< Arcane> Oh COME ON
#3076 (-15) X June 25, 2020
<luxidream> I'm a big advocate for drowning
<luxidream> Err, crowning
<luxidream> Thanks autocorrect
#4191 (15) X June 19, 2023
<bhaak> nobody is perfect
<K2> except aosdict. he is perfect in every way. he just allows bugs in xnh to exist so the rest of us dont feel ashamed
<aosdict> you're slightly off, I allow bugs in xnh to exist to give qt something to do
#778 (-34) X July 8, 2013
-->| GreyOoze has joined #nethack
|<-- GreyKnight has left chat.freenode.net (Nick collision from services.)
=-= GreyOoze is now known as GreyKnight
* SimonRC was about to try pudding-farming with the grey ooze.
*GreyKnight touches SimonRC
<GreyKnight> Oh wait... not oozy anymore
<GreyKnight> Now I just look perverted :-(
#1092 (-27) X July 10, 2013
< dtriscuit> "ABABB" doesn't exactly sound like divine music to me.
#8 (9) X February 28, 2013
scorchgeek: The hobbit shoots a worthless piece of violet glass! You catch the worthless piece of violet glass.--More-- You are not interested in the hobbit's junk.
#951 (-42) X July 10, 2013
* Ian-Keith learned real quick about writing unknown scrolls when he did his first "IanKeith was here".
#3692 (12) X October 18, 2021
<rebatela> tinklebear: are you hallucinating on purpose again ?
#3840 (27) X April 6, 2022
<amateurhour> what did I miss?
<qt> luxidream ate a bee
<amateurhour> epic
<qt> it would be cool if he ate a bee irl too, just to add to the challenge
#268 (-42) X March 1, 2013
< neuwiz> stenno gets a fifth wish after 13850 turns and wishes for 'holy historic death of Cyclops'.
< neuwiz> stenno killed the Cyclops after 13875 turns.
#2965 (-2) X March 28, 2020
* @bhaak wonders if introducing their kid to the nethack universe makes them the best parent ever or the most sadistic parent ever
<K2> bhaak: yes
#230 (6) X March 1, 2013
<Wooble> 3.4.4 will be released one day, with an explanation that it was delayed while the devteam tried to locate a working amiga on ebay.
#1449 (-29) X December 10, 2013
<mask2697> this guy is a racist
<simmarine> invisible people arent a race
<mask2697> apperently invisible customers are lesser to visible customers
<mask2697> and shut up
<mask2697> invisible people are people too!
<Door> He's right
<Door> they are
#1593 (22) X June 18, 2014
< SM2k> well, MrSnide was right about one thing. several thousand turns of trying to dig yourself out of shitsville makes for a memorable game…
< MrSnide> Hah, I was short of my goal of being right about one thing for the day!
#2513 (8) X October 14, 2018
<@Pinkbeast> I bought an antibundling shield but I think I got fleeced

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