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<K2> 2 hours left on the pork!
<K2> been smoking for the last 6
<K2> smells soooooooooo gooood
<Sweet Bodhi> smoking is bad for you
<Sweet Bodhi> for shame k2
<Sweet Bodhi> for shame k2
<musicdemon> smoked pork! *K2's alignment record increases*
<eLtMosen> Being a chef, i send a tender salute :D
<K2> so this is my 4th use of the new smoker. first 2 uses, much success, everything came out great. juicy/smoky mmm
<K2> 3rd go was with brisket and i fucked it up
<K2> too high temp not long enough
<K2> today is 5 lbs of pork shoulder, i'm feeling good about it
<Pinkbeast> I've never smoked pork, it's hard to get it in the rollup
<K2> lol Pinkbeast
<K2> love this smoker... its all electric but its basically set it/forget it
<K2> and the temp is stable
<nabru> I tried to smoke pork but it didn't like being lit on fire
<K2> you have to kill it first
<K2> that helps

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