
#2497 (12) X September 22, 2018
<K2> amy has incorporated a couple of my joke ideas before
<K2> such as '50shadesofgrayswandir' and 'plaidswandir'
<aosdict> fleecyswandir?
<jonadab> [hallu-color]swandir
<FlamingGuacamole> k2: veryverydarkgreyswandir
<FlamingGuacamole> batman: i only work with blackswandir.
<jonadab> darkerthanblackswandir
<K2> wtfswandir
<K2> i think that summarizes slex
<jonadab> brighterthanwhiteswandir
<FlamingGuacamole> ultravioletswandir
<aosdict> hooloovooswandir
<aosdict> octarineswandir
<aosdict> Hooloovooswandir is, of course, an intelligent artifact.
<jonadab> Naturally.
<jonadab> Actually, it should be superintelligent, and blast you any time you look at it. Even farlook.
<aosdict> #f183d5swandir
<hothraxxa> agswandir
<K2> constructionworkeryellowswandir
<FlamingGuacamole> schoolbusyellowswandir
<FlamingGuacamole> aquamarineswandir
<Pinkbeast> wizardswandir
<K2> i could do this all day
<FlamingGuacamole> i have nothing else to do today, so why not?
<aosdict> clayswandir
<FlamingGuacamole> yayswandir
<FlamingGuacamole> did we say "bundleswandir" yet?
<aosdict> nope
<Pinkbeast> I think you mean Excalibundle
<K2> rofl
<K2> fleecybrand
<aosdict> turn all the *banes into *bundles
<aosdict> ogrebundle, trollsbundle etc
<Pinkbeast> Stormbundler
<aosdict> The Longbundle of Diana
<K2> quiver of fleecy arrows
<Pinkbeast> The Orb of Fleece
<K2> The Eye of the FleecyBundle
<FlamingGuacamole> The *brand artifacts: Fire Brand, Frost Brand, Fear Brand, Faith Brand, Fleece Brand, and Bundlebundlebundle Brand.
<Pinkbeast> Brand Brand, which mutters "sponsored by Coca-Cola" all the time
<K2> amy is going to lose her shit when she reads this
<K2> slex update soon...
<Pinkbeast> Have we had the Bundle of Opening?
<K2> omg thats awesome
<K2> candelebundle
<aosdict> Bundleabrum of Invocation
<K2> aosdict thats even better
<K2> 'the book of the fleecy bundlebundlebundle'
<hothraxxa> you cads! do you realize what you're doing?
<hothraxxa> think of the poor future slex players
<hothraxxa> who will have to endure all of these things
<Pinkbeast> Presumably SLEX players like these kinds of things
<aosdict> slex players are less "poor", more "voluntarily insane"

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