
#3958 (21) X August 25, 2022
<K2> https://www.reddit.com/r/nethack/comments/wakb2u/evilhack_080_officially_released_work_on_next/
<qt> "what's been definitively crowned as the 'hardest variant'." <-- idk about this, i heard rodney in 1.3d had a devastating passive attack when he was killed until it got nerfed recently
<aosdict> K2: what kind of release announcement mentions plans for the next version instead of the cool new things you can have now, now, NOW?
<qt> maybe there's nothing interesting in this version
<aosdict> that must be it
<K2> aos why didnt you say that before I posted? damn
<K2> nice lookin out
[K2 adds a link to the 0.8.0 changelog to the post]
<K2> there
<K2> updated the post
<aosdict> no
<aosdict> who wants to go read a stuffy changelog
<K2> you do
<aosdict> I want INFOGRAPHICS

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