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<Eidolos> This game hates me
<cdi> what happened?
<Eidolos> It's showering me with awesome stuff
<cdi> And it hates you how?
<Eidolos> now if I end up ascending people will just say "well of course he ascended, even ben could've ascended _that_ one"
<cdi> now now. We wouldn't say that
<Eidolos> anselmus will :)
<cdi> "even ari could've ascended _that_ one" would be more likely.
<runcible> anselmus whines no matter what
<Eidolos> :)
* stumbly leaves a tube of preparation H with an anonymous note for anselmus.

You will need to answer the following question correctly: What symbol represents a wand?

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