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< zid`> !rng me you
< Rodney> The RNG says: me
< zid`> hah it said me!
< mr0t> Are you mocking me?
< mr0t> on IRC? Unthinkable.
< zid`> the RNG said it likes me more than you!
< mr0t> hehe
< mr0t> I wouldn't ask RNG to answer any kind of absolute question. Just momentary, fleeting decisions.
< mr0t> I mean hell
< mr0t> !rng JHVH Baby_Jesus Muhammed Buddha Dalai_Lama Bob
< Rodney> The RNG says: Buddha
< mr0t> hm
* mr0t shrugs

You will need to answer the following question correctly: What symbol represents a dwarf?

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