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< jonadab> ais523: I looked at that AceHack tutorial you mentioned. Yeah, that's the sort of thing I was thinking about.
< ais523> I'm not sure it actually works, though; it's more of the sort of tutorial that works fine for experienced players
< ais523> but may not be so much help for newbies
< jonadab> Do you think it starts out assuming too much?
< ais523> I'm not sure
< bcode> "So, hi. You see this @ there? Yeah, that's you. I know it sounds weird, but I guess you need to, uh, kind of get used to it. I know I certainly did. So well, you see those 'hjkl' keys over there? Yeah, on the keyboard. Try them. See, it makes the little @ go all up and down and left and right. Until it dies. Oh yeah, that's a thing too, I guess. Now, there is an amulet down there you need to find. Or so I heard. Then bring it up here and return. ...
< bcode> ... Supposedly there is an extra fun endgame after that. Then you gain immortality. I guess."
< bcode> "I think there might be some more to the game. That's what people told me. I don't know, though. Those other letters always kill me before I get there. I guess I have to ascend first, so I can't die anymore. And stuff."
< bcode> nethack-antitutorial

You will need to answer the following question correctly: What symbol represents a spellbook?

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