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<NCommander> LarienTelrunya, in D&D, mind flayers/illithid come from a future where they already took over the world :/
<LarienTelrunya> ah, I see (never played D&D)
<NCommander> LarienTelrunya, well I'm fairly sure it started with an Illithid scienist ascending into demigodhood after facing a close-to-impossible challenge to recover some amulet ;)
<LarienTelrunya> hahaha :D
<LarienTelrunya> wait, I ascended an illithid scientist in slex! is that what you're referring to? it was my first slexcension, too!
<NCommander> Yeah, that was it.
<LarienTelrunya> :D
<NCommander> And doomed the human race to servatiude!
<LarienTelrunya> ...what have I done

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