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<K2> instead of chromatic dragon scales primary trinsic being pis res, make it MR
<amateurhour> piss res?
<K2> *poison
<K2> and piss
<amateurhour> oh lol
<K2> yes amateurhour, great idea
<K2> hahah
<amateurhour> that would certainly make the chromatic scales unique
<amateurhour> no other item protects you from it!
<K2> there arent any pee monsters
<K2> prob in slex, but not here
<Umbire> I mean the Tiamat fight is probably a load of pee
<amateurhour> yeah K2 there aren't any pee monsters in evilhack so it'd be harmless to add piss res to chromatic scales
<amateurhour> which gives it a unique reason to be worn
<amateurhour> which solves the problem
<amateurhour> good work team \o/

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