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<qt> leprechauns should be tamed by throwing a potion of milk at them
<qt> also potions of milk should be added to the game
<qt> you can get them from #rubbing a minotaur
<cbus> sounds like something totally worth it to get a leprechaun pet
<amateurhour> dnh has goats milk but drinking it causes tentacles to erupt from your brain intermittently
<amateurhour> does that count qt?
<qt> when i search for "leprechaun + milk" i just find various green liquids marketed as 'leprechaun milk'. but isn't that part of the folklore, that you're supposed to set our bread and milk on your stoop for them?
<qt> i don't know enough about leprechaun preferences to say yes or no amateurhour
<qt> maybe i'm confusing leprechauns with some other kind of fairy
<amateurhour> I googled it and some sites suggest leprechauns are extremely allergic to dairy
<cbus> so if you give milk to a leprechaun it explodes?

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