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<@crunchbubba> hey guys! I found a mimic shop!
<@crunchbubba> 6 mimics!
<@Demo> any good deals?
<@cbus> any altar on the level? :)
<@docpi> Practical thinking, cbus, I like that.
<@crunchbubba> some are even house trained!
<@docpi> Why, crunchbubba, did they drop some acid?
<@docpi> OR do they hip-hop around?
<@crunchbubba> "different kind of house
<@docpi> @ah since this nethack, I bet they rock!
<@crunchbubba> but I like your thinking
<@crunchbubba> :is more of an old school trancer. 2000s
<@docpi> crunchbubba, go ahead, pop them.
<@docpi> Then swing them to the altar.
<@docpi> MAke sure not to drag them, for you would leave a groove.
<@docpi> "Anyway, dear audience, and you are a lovely audience tonight, what is it with mimics? You gotta be careful when dealing with them. You make tell them a joke, but they have dibs on the punchline."
<@docpi> "Thank you, thank you. I will be here all week. Tell your friends to come by to see my show."
<@docpi> Ah..
<@docpi> "you tell them a joke"
<@docpi> That's what happens when you decide to rewrite the gag midway while typing. You readily choke on it.

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