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< tebo> weird
< tebo> im ...damn..well..itd be hilarious
< tebo> well...im always watching porn....I dont think this nurse is gonna explode tho
< tebo> wait whats that got to do with it
< tebo> nevermind
< tebo> please dont kill me
< tebo> good idea...ok...im done..im gonna eat spaghettios
< scorchgeek> what are you on? :P
< tebo> hey yall ever ate ..OH WIAT THIS ISNT OFFTOPIC CHANNEL
< tebo> shat shat ashat
< tebo> I have speed boots and potions of 40 or so beers
< tebo> but im wearing socks...weird....they mustve cursed me. hello scorch.
< blackcustard> ... ???
< scorchgeek> ^^
< Paiev> o_O judasasparagus
< tebo> I should play nethack. I have to start playing nethack again....I hacksawed my ps2
< Nomiisama> ...

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