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<stth> wow
<stth> "Your wand of wishing vibrates violently, and explodes!"
<ChrisS67> cursed /oW?
<stth> [HP:5151(-3778)]
<Mandevil> You don't bother uncursing?
<stth> look at that man
<Mandevil> What?
<stth> 3778 damage from the exploding wand
<Mandevil> How's that?
<ChrisS67> yeah, it does some % of your max hp
<stth> no, i accidently recharged it twice
<Mandevil> Wow, that's the most damage in Nethacking history !
<ChrisS67> "crap, only 5k hp left!"
<Mandevil> :-)
<stth> hehe quaffed full healing just for the lolz
<ChrisS67> eat nurse meat to regain :)

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