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< sartak> at one point I was keeping track of all my nethack keystrokes
< sartak> should just try replaying them..
< bcode> sartak: I think Adeon made a ttyrec variation doing that to make an optimized (for speed) keyboard layout
< stenno> Adeon: did you not make a keyboard layout based on how often -
< Adeon> but I never used it
< sartak> wow
< sartak> Adeon is definitely the new Eidolos
< Adeon> I don't want to be the eidolos
< Adeon> that's for sartaks
< sartak> then stop doing cool stuff and fast ascensions :)
< RayDK> My understanding is that it's a Dread Pirate Roberts sort of thing. There have been 17 Eidoloses thus far.

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