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<Eldak> so if i have a room full of P, and i split one, do they push each other out into the hallway?
<argiopeweb> Eldak: Is there a reason that you're farming?
<Eldak> umm
<Eldak> so i can be cool
<raxvulpine> Lots of young people choose to experiment at some point in their lives.
<Eldak> like you guys
<argiopeweb> Eldak: That's a good enough reason for me.
<raxvulpine> "All the cool kids are doing it," they might say. In a society so permissive of acts like pudding farming, is it really any surprise that our nation's children are poking black masses of seething, roiling matter with metal rods?
<raxvulpine> We, nethack's moral majority, must take a stand on pudding farming and other atrocious practices --- like fountain quaffing. Without specifically illegalizing these practices, we cannot hope to contain them.

You will need to answer the following question correctly: What symbol represents a grave?

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