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#210 (-20) X March 1, 2013
< glisignoli> If I'm blind, why can I see the sokuban levels?
< nooodl> you remember them from having done them all a million times before
#209 (-14) X March 1, 2013
<DrSunglass> I got bored of rerolling wizards, unwilling to accept anything but the best, so I said "screw it, I'll play a dwarf valk" and now I'm looking up how the starting stats are calculated. I have a problem.
#208 (1) X March 1, 2013
< PaRaD0xx> still nothin from krystal
< PaRaD0xx> no bounce either tho
< bhaak> he's teamed up with the devteam and we'll see a nethack 4.0 devnull tournament, i'm almost quite positively 100% sure
#207 (-21) X March 1, 2013
<ChronoWiz> you know how if you try to read a book that is too hard you get stunned or it explodes or you get teleported
<ChronoWiz> that just happened to me irl
#206 (13) X March 1, 2013
<un214> apparently it's a bad idea to apply a wand of wishing
<ChrisS67> yes, usually
#205 (25) X March 1, 2013
<ishanyx> the rng hates people who say "why?"
<stenno> why?
<Rodney> Because the RNG hates you, that's why!
#204 (2) X March 1, 2013
<ais523> also, who's that green h?
<ais523> reading the Book affects nearby corpses
<dwangoAC> ais523: That was a hobbit corpse we had in our pack
<ais523> yeah, we might want to get rid of that somehow
<dwangoAC> ais523: Why bother?
<ais523> or just leave him there, I guess
<dwangoAC> ais523: It isn't going to hurt, and it's funny
<ais523> why do we have a dead hobbit in our pack anyway?
#203 (-5) X March 1, 2013
< TjrWiz> An endless stream of snakes pours forth! A watchman yells: "Hey, stop using that fountain!"
< TjrWiz> He could have told me first ...
#202 (-5) X March 1, 2013
<galdor> is Maud a bot ?
#201 (21) X March 1, 2013
<TjrWiz> You stole 27537 zorkmids worth of merchandise.
<Adeon> tell them you didn't do it
<nooodl> "i'm TELLING you, it was that maud guy"

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