
#2619 (-2) X January 17, 2019
<attie> don't think being in the dungeon counts as a reason for divorce if you are the Chosen One and it has been known since birth that you would be sent off to the Dungeons of Doom.
<PavelB> attie: Clearly you're not the Chosen *One*, there are bones, after all, so all nethack runs are in a continuous universe. I think it's more like, the gods go "Welp, that guy failed, time to give divine inspiration the next guy, hope he does better"
<PavelB> And then I guess they just keep losing the amulet after a while after someone actually does ascend
<attie> the gods just have an eternal game of capture the flag by proxy going.
<attie> whoever gains the amulet becomes the new moloch.
<PavelB> :O I like that theory
<PavelB> deep nethack lore exploration going on here
<attie> Only one chosen one allowed at any one time
<attie> per god
<attie> only allowed to designate as new chosen one anyone born after the last one died
<attie> chosen one has to be picked at birth, not allowed to wait and see which of them grows up extra strong/bright
<attie> wide-angle disintegration beam is your god ragequitting on you
<attie> when your god is being unhelpful, they're hoping you die quick because there's a really strong valkyrie pregnant over there and they have high hopes for her kid

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