
#3927 (26) X July 19, 2022
<aosdict> trying to think if I increase struct rm by a byte then what other things could get bits assigned to them rather than just changing flags from 5 -> 13
<nhmall> aosdict: an array of uint32_t added to u? uat[21][3] contains enough bits to do 21 x 96, which is more than enough for ROW x COLNO. uin64_t can do 21 x 128 with [21][2] array.
<aosdict> fair but I already want to add to struct rm (for example, to solve the "watchman traps a door by yelling at you to stop picking its lock" problem)
<aosdict> though it is funny to imagine the watchman pressing a little remote doohickey and then whispering into his walkie talkie "Trap is armed. We'll know if he tries that door again now."

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