
#4092 (14) X January 31, 2023
<hackemslashem> So if I have "fingerless gloves", would it be fair to have them able to do ring damage (silver/mithril/etc), but also make players vulnerable to touching cockatrices? Seems pretty likely a finger would touch a c if you are attacking or wielding one.
<aosdict> if you are just using fingerless because you need a unique description, I'd say pick something else because I don't wish on anyone the headache of picking through assumptions that uarmg protects you from cockatrices
<hackemslashem> Yea they are something that splice had, but that was never dealt with. I agree, it's pretty canon to be protected from c while wearing gloves
<hackemslashem> Let's go with "archery gloves" instead
<hackemslashem> Maybe they give a nice bow-nus

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