
#4114 (19) X February 28, 2023
PuddingGDH: Demons only summon when they're hostile right? So fine to leave a peaceful yeenough wandering around? No chance he'll summon Demogorgon?
Guest267:That's a good question.
ChrisS67: though he'll often get in your way
ChrisS67:could be easy to attack him by accident
Guest267:I got killed by a peaceful Yeenoghu like that due to Cleaver.
ChrisS67: yeah, or Stormy
PuddingGDH: I have the eye of the Aethiopica. I can probably hate him to the quest and leave him there or something right?
ChrisS67: that's one option
PuddingGDH: There I dropped him in fort ludios. Goodbye Yeenoghu, or however the heck your name is spelled.
Guest267: That's yeenough out of you.

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