
#4207 (13) X July 6, 2023
cathartes: most wizards are startscums
riker: so yeah, no, tha'ts probably startscums included
riker: (i'd guess that less people bother startscumming gnomes, orcs, wizards if they're not gonna be 'optimal' combos anyway)

Loggers_VIII: 3M elf wiz… yeesh
cathartes: yeah I have 4.58 million wizards in the xlogfiles from nao
xdminsy: Holy so many elf wiz.
riker: 3.1M elf wiz is more than the number of humans period
riker: it's just 2.9M humans of all roles combined LMAO
xdminsy: Lol and I play only humans.
Loggers_VIII: Same lol
cathartes: those elf wizards are partially explained by a single startscummer
Loggers_VIII: I kind of dislike elf wiz
xdminsy: Though I see them little advantages.
cathartes: select count(*) from nhgames where server="nao" and role="Wiz" and race="Elf" and name like "StellaAuto%";
cathartes: 942565
Umbire: >Stella
Umbire: goddamnit aoei
riker: LMAO
riker: goddamnit yeah those are all hte fucking bot

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