
#442 (-36) X March 5, 2013
< blackcustard> !learn del book_of_war_chants[3]
< Rodney> I can't seem to find 'book_of_war_chants' in my dictionary.
< rawrmage> blackcustard: ooops!
< blackcustard> !learn add war_chants[2] {book_of_war_chants[2]}
< Rodney> Term war_chants[2][1] successfully added.
< blackcustard> okay i can't do this right.
< BlastHardcheese> wat
< blackcustard> !!!
< blackcustard> oooo
< blackcustard> i see the problem
< blackcustard> ...
< blackcustard> this isn't crawl
< blackcustard> and Rodney isn't henzell

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