
#527 (-10) X March 8, 2013
< fuzzynerd> So how did Babamus get -77AC?
< Babamus> Praying a lot, and good armor
< Babamus> But it has taken a looooong time, but now there is no more monsters on level 14
< fuzzynerd> How many days have you been playing that game?
< Babamus> Dont know, I am not sure if I want to know
< fuzzynerd> Babamus: So it wasn't like, "Oh, I'll play nethack this afternoon. *3 hours later* Look, -77AC!"
< Babamus> no absolute not, it was I think I will play an hour Nethack, and I looked at the watch and it was 10 in the morning...
< joshk> that's why i don't want to play Extinctionist
< joshk> esp. during finals week

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